Crowd Strike

Case Study: CrowdStrike Release Process and the Global Outage of July 2024


CrowdStrike, a leading cybersecurity firm, experienced a significant global outage on July 19, 2024, affecting various industries including banking, airlines, and media. The outage resulted from a faulty update released by CrowdStrike, impacting systems worldwide and causing widespread disruptions.

Release Process Overview

  1. Planning and Development: CrowdStrike’s release process begins with thorough planning and development stages. During these stages, new features and updates are designed, developed, and tested in controlled environments. The update that led to the outage was intended to enhance security protocols and optimize performance.
  2. Testing: Comprehensive testing is conducted in sandbox environments to identify potential issues. However, in this case, a critical bug was not detected during the testing phase. This bug caused compatibility issues with Windows operating systems, leading to the infamous “blue screen of death” (BSOD) errors.
  3. Deployment Preparation: Prior to deployment, updates are reviewed and approved by multiple teams, including security and quality assurance (QA) teams. This step is crucial for ensuring the update’s stability and compatibility with various systems. For this update, despite passing these checks, the bug remained undetected.
  4. Release and Monitoring: The update was released globally through CrowdStrike’s automated deployment system. Real-time monitoring systems are typically in place to detect any anomalies post-deployment. Immediately after the release, reports of system crashes and BSOD errors started to emerge from multiple clients.
  5. Incident Response: Upon detecting the widespread issues, CrowdStrike’s incident response team was activated. The team worked to identify the root cause, which was traced back to a specific module in the update causing conflicts with Windows system files. Efforts were then focused on rolling back the update and providing patches to affected systems.

Impact and Analysis

The faulty update led to a cascade of issues:

  • Operational Disruptions: Banks, airlines, and media companies faced severe operational disruptions. Flights were delayed, financial transactions were halted, and broadcasting services were interrupted.
  • Financial Losses: The outage incurred significant financial losses for affected businesses. CrowdStrike also faced potential legal and compensation claims from clients.
  • Reputational Damage: The incident damaged CrowdStrike’s reputation as a reliable cybersecurity provider. Trust among clients and stakeholders was compromised, necessitating extensive public relations efforts to restore confidence.

Lessons Learned

  1. Enhanced Testing Protocols: Incorporate more rigorous testing protocols, including real-world scenario simulations, to detect hidden bugs.
  2. Gradual Rollouts: Implement phased rollouts instead of global deployments to minimize the impact of potential issues.
  3. Improved Monitoring Systems: Strengthen real-time monitoring systems to quickly identify and respond to anomalies.
  4. Cross-Team Reviews: Ensure thorough cross-functional team reviews, including external audits, to catch overlooked issues.
  5. Client Communication: Develop robust communication strategies to keep clients informed and manage crisis situations effectively.


The CrowdStrike outage of July 2024 underscores the critical importance of a meticulous and multi-layered release process in software development. By learning from this incident and implementing enhanced protocols, CrowdStrike can mitigate future risks and maintain its position as a trusted cybersecurity provider.

This case study highlights the critical aspects of the release process and the significant impact a faulty update can have on global operations.